Tax Rules for Flexminers


At Flexminers, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible products and services. Our company is based in the Czech Republic, but we send all our products from Hong Kong. As a result, we are proud to offer 0% tax on all our products to customers worldwide.

Please note that customers are responsible for paying any local taxes upon customs clearance based on the invoice value. This means that the tax amount may vary depending on the customer’s location. We are happy to provide invoices according to our customers’ requirements, or we can provide a verified standard invoice issued by us. An alternative option is DDP delivery, where the importer in Hong Kong pays the customs duty, saving you time. Before purchasing a cryptocurrency mining machine with DDP delivery, please contact us to see if this option is currently available for your country, as there may be temporary disruptions in delivery using this method.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding taxes, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are dedicated to ensuring that all our clients receive the best possible service while adhering to local tax regulations or choose DDP shipping.